
Fightback is new to Ninja Theory for mobile phones

Wii Sutras several months with a very discreet sales data in the UK market, Wii U this week has been a noticeable increase in sales with an increase of almost 900% compared to the numbers reported so far. This is reflected in Amazon UK, which has confirmed that the console has come to position itself as the third most sold video game section for at least a few hours. After this surprising increase in sales, Wii U has stabilized in figures almost 200% higher than those recorded weeks ago, which has earned Nintendo to place your console in position 40 of the most successful of all the store when previously served as 390.El June 11, coinciding with the start of E3 in Los Angeles, Nintendo will release all the news that preparing for Wii U, with highly anticipated titles such as the new 3D adventure Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Smash Bros. or Mario Kart.Más News: Wii U, UK Sales

FightbackEl team behind Heavenly Sword and the recent DmC, Ninja Theory has confirmed that work on a new action game side for iOS and Android devices by the name of Fightback.De time very few details known about this program, although its creators did confirm that it will be a title free-to-play with a proper action combat games of the old school, and full touch control system. "Ninja Theory has always sought to provide the highest quality in their productions and this will remain our goal with the new project we produce for these platforms, which are new to us, "said one of the study product manager, Dominic Mathews.Más News: Ninja Theory

Treasurenauts's new Renegade Kid for Nintendo 3DS
The team behind the popular Mutant Mudds, Renegade Kid, has finally presented its new game for Nintendo 3DS, which answers to the name of Treasurenauts. A colorful two-dimensional adventure once again bet on the retro look, in this case the generation of the 16 bits, allowing incarnate to a minimum of eight adventurers exclusivas.Según skills Nintendo unveils Force Magazine, the program propose traverse a wide variety of scenarios looking for hidden treasures in a world map according to its creators is inspired by the classic Super Mario World. Therefore, be overcome various screens to unlock new play areas, can find some obstacles along the way that only raffle with special abilities a character heading concreto.Durante also bosses we will find that being defeated, we reward with new skills that will increase the power of our héroes.A Without knowing more details of Treasurenauts, the new Renegade Kid have a local multiplayer-online-not to be enjoyed, it seems, with a single copy of the game in our hands. Something fundamental will given the importance of cooperation in the development of the missions, since as mentioned, certain barriers can only be overcome with the support of allies very specific skills or combining several of these personajes.Por Finally, Renegade Kid promises this adventure will have multiple endings that will vary depending on the number of treasures that localicemos.

